Sunday, September 30, 2007

The best housewife on earth..

Thats me!
Today I cleaned and I have done 21 lunch boxes! PHU! 3 hours of cooking.. 3 or 4 diferent dishes at the time!
So theoretic I don't need to cook anymore this month!

Yesterday night I tryed out the Sthlm/Stureplan party life. You might wonder why, and so do I. My friend Hana had her 25th birthday party so she decided where to go..
The only comment I will make is that from now on NO ONE DECIDES WHERE I GO.
My prejudice about "brats" are even worse now than ever..
But at least now I can defend my self with " been there, done that - I'll never do it again"
I have to give a big KISS to Carro and Matilda for keeping my mood up anyway!
Friday night though was a night in my style!
We had fridaybar in Alby for the Cirkör people, and the third years of the DH C students had "nollning" for the firsts years.. We (or atleast I) had a lot of fun all night!
It was just a little bit hard to wake up and work saturday morning, but as the good human being I am, it went well..

I also saw Delerium by Cirque de Soleil yesterday..
I fell a sleep and then I left.. I couldn't stay to the end.. My only question is why they asked E-Type to do all their music!?
As someone said, They became the McDonalds of Circus.

Busy weekend, lazy weekend..

Monday, September 24, 2007

Daisy Dandelion...

Every year in Brussels we have a show at ESAC, this year I'm on the flyer!
A nice suprise I have to say!
I guess I'm gonna perform since I'm on the flyer.. haha.. It's the 20/10.. so if your in Brussels then come!

Sunday, September 23, 2007


..after a crazy weekend! Friday dinner with some friends, saturday working, lunch in the "Circus Byn" and then wine drinking at Anna and Jens place and then a "hejdundrade" party in Örnsberg, "Burnt Out Punks" was the brain of this splended idea! We danced until 6 in the morning!
Today I had a great "lazy" sunday including theater, a long walk and good company!

(our band start was great! we don't have a name yet but if you have a good suggestion just post it!)


Monday, September 17, 2007

this is my new band!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Jag har kommit på att jag vet inte om min engelska blogg läses av några ej svensk talande män i skor, så jag provar på svenska för att invänta protester!!
Nu har jag allfall jobbat i en vecka och en dag på mitt nya jobb på CirkusCirkör som administrativt ansvarig för "kurser och träning", pedagog 8h/vecka och smått påbörjat mitt jobb som admistratör för cirkus hallen!
oj vad mkt jobb jag har! OCH JAG ÄLSKAR DET!
det är skit kul och går jätte bra! jag tycker om att höra att man har varit efterlängtad och att folk är så glada att man kommit tillbaka! sånt värmer!
jag har knappt tid att umgås med alla som jag vill men men, det får jag väl i sinom tid! haha... like if!
jag har även planer på att starta band med danny och jens! vore as kul om det blir av men det är sånt som märks!
hade en liten "vill tillbaks till Bryssel kris" härom dan men den är som bortblåst nu, självklart saknar jag dom men jag måste ju fokusera på allt bra här i stället för att tänka på allt där (som faktiskt inte va så bra förrutom vännerna...)
nej, nu ska jag sova så jag orkar upp imorn!!

so, if you didn't understand this and want me to continue writing in english, tell me now, otherwise I will continue in swedish from now on...

Monday, September 10, 2007


don't feel like writing... sorry...